Photo of James J. Pardi II

Comprehensive Family Law Representation
With Responsive And Effective Action

Photo of James J. Pardi II

Modifying Family Law Orders

We often think of family law in terms of working toward an ending: a divorce ends a marriage; a parenting agreement ends a child custody dispute, and so on. However, we all know that life can throw many changes our way, and sometimes the best laid plans need adjustment.

At the Worthington, Ohio, law office of James J. Pardi II, Attorney at Law, we help people with a wide range of post-decree issues in family law, including:

  • Modification of divorce decree
  • Child custody modification
  • Modification of visitation
  • Relocation
  • Termination of custody
  • Domestic relations modifications
  • Juvenile court issues
  • Child support modification
  • Representing children as court appointed Guardian ad Litem

Our attorney has been practicing for more than 25 years and we know the stress our clients are under. We make things easier for them by giving them honest advice, prompt communication with effective representation.

Child Custody Modification

Some of the most difficult issues in family law involve child custody. Whether a child custody agreement involves a divorced couple or parents who were never married, the parents spend a lot of time negotiating visitation and custody schedules, and no one wants to throw all that work out the window without it being reduced to an enforceable court agreement. However, changes in the lives of children and parents can make old agreements or orders unworkable. In the most difficult cases, a parent may become unable to care for a child due to a variety of physical, mental health, or addiction based issues.

One of the more reoccurring reasons for a change in child custody is relocation. When a parent must move to a different city or state, it can throw parenting and visitation plans into chaos. If you are facing this type of situation, whether you are the parent who is moving or the parent who is not, whether you are the primary custodial parent or not, you need to speak to a lawyer. A good family law attorney can help you modify child custody in a way that respects your rights and, most importantly, the best interests of your children.

Contact Us

For help with post-decree modifications and other family law issues, contact our office today. Call 614-441-9968, or contact us by email.

  • Spousal Support
  • Child Support
  • Domestic Relations