Photo of James J. Pardi II

Comprehensive Family Law Representation
With Responsive And Effective Action

Photo of James J. Pardi II

Divorce: An Overview

When a couple separates, there are dozens of important decisions to be made. This can become overwhelming and complicated very quickly. Making sure you have strong representation is key. James J. Pardi II, Attorney at Law, has worked with clients throughout Ohio for over 25 years. You can expect honesty, professionalism and open communication throughout the duration of your case.

Determining What Will Work Best For Your Family

What surprises many people is that there are many different ways to divorce. For example, uncontested divorces are often the most efficient and effective. This is when both parties can agree to the terms of their separation without having to go to court. It is similar to a dissolution of marriage, where an agreement is made in advance. Contested divorce, on the other hand, is when a couple is unable to do so. In those situations, you must present your case in front of a judge. They then have the final say as to what happens moving forward.

Legal separation is another option. This means that you are still married but living separately. For many people, this gives you time to test out the waters and see if ending your union is what you both want. It also allows you to stay on your partner’s health insurance and avoid violating certain religious beliefs. James J. Pardi II, Attorney at Law, can discuss the specifics of your circumstances and determine what will work best for you. There is no one-size-fits-all to these problems.

To Discuss Your Case, Call Today

When building a new future, it is important to protect yourself. James J. Pardi II, Attorney at Law, is here to help clients who need it most. Call the office in Columbus to schedule a consultation today at 614-441-9968. You can also fill out this contact form and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

  • Spousal Support
  • Child Support
  • Domestic Relations